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+7 (499) 993-0911
Время работы:
123112, город Москва, Пресненская наб, дом 12
Работаем по будням с 9:00 до 17:00

Тренажер перитонеального диализа

Тренажер перитонеального диализа
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Designed to introduce patients, students, and nurses to the essentials of CAPD procedures and care. The realistic Life/form® torso offers a realistic method to demonstrate and practice peritoneal dialysis. Success with CAPD is dependent on the patient’s following dialysis procedures with extreme care. This Life/form® simulator gives the patient an opportunity to gain the confidence necessary for prolonged success with CAPD. Complete with indwelling Tenckhoff catheter in a hard storage case. Dialysis materials not included.

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